名称: 粉彩浅绛彩人物执壶
年代: 晚清
窑口: (产地)景德镇窑
结论: 真品
规格: 口径10.8 厘米,高:9.8 厘米
鉴评: 此粉彩执壶是清朝后期兴起的一种浅绛彩艺术瓷。 浅绛彩有的用五彩,有的加粉彩, 追求色彩浅淡高雅文人画风格。浅绛彩最具代表性的人物是程门、金品三等。他们的艺术风格影响一个时代,清末至民国的珠三八友就是在他们的影响下成长起来。 浅绛彩艺术水品高,但留存在世不多,此壶具有代表性, 有收藏价值。
Name: Qianjiang Color Pastel Figures Ewer
Era: Late Qing Dynasty
Kilns: (origin): Jingdezhen Kiln
Conclusion: Authentic
Specifications: Diameter 10.8 cm Height: 9.8 cm
Appraisal: This Qianjiang Color ewer is a kind of Qianjiang color art porcelain which came about in the late Qing Dynasty. Some Qianjiang uses pastel colors, some full spectrum. The colors are light and elegant, and motifs convey poet’s literature and paintings. Most iconic characters are Chengmen and Jingpinsan, etc., whose artistic styles had influenced an entire era. From the late Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China, the famous “珠三八友” grew up under their influence. Qianjiang color products are full of strong artistic quality, but few retained. This pot is a typical representative of Qianjiang color objects, very rare and highly collectible.