名称: 建窑黑瓷(釉)兔毫盏 4
年代: 南宋
窑口: (产地)福建建阳水吉镇(建窑)
结论: 真品
规格: 口径125 厘米,高:6.5
鉴评:此碗为建窑黑瓷(釉)兔毫盏代表作,胎体较厚重,质粗坚硬, 漆黑光亮,柔美悦目,兔毫虽细小,但如放射的光芒,欣赏价值很高, 有收藏价值。
Name: Jian Kiln Black Glaze Rabbit-Hair Tea Cup 4
Era: Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279)
Kilns: (origin): Fujian Jianyang Shuiji Kiln (Jian Kiln)
Conclusion: Authentic
Specifications: Diameter 12.5 cm Height: 6.5 cm
Appraisal: This object is a representative of the Black Glaze Rabbit-Hair Tea Cups made in the Jian Kiln. Its clay body is thick and sturdy, the clay texture is rough and hard. Its color is pitch-dark, shiny, soft and pleasing to the eyes. Though the rabbit hairs are very thin and short, they are beautiful and emit light, containing very high appreciation value. Highly collectible.