名称: 青瓷刻花碗
年代: 明
窑口: (产地)龙泉窑
结论: 真品
规格: 口径11.4厘米,高:7.0厘米
鉴评:此碗龙泉青瓷窑生产的实用器物,精巧玲珑,青瓷发灰,釉光明亮,为明代产品。由此碗可以看出古代中国人生活用具多么简洁、优雅, 甚至比我们今天的饮食用具还完美。高温烧成,不含丝毫对人体有害的东西。这种青瓷不仅龙泉窑生产,广东的惠州窑也生产,许多作品一样漂亮。有收藏价值。
Name: Celadon Engraved Designs Bowl
Era: Ming Dynasty (1368 – 1644)
Kilns: (origin): Longquan Kiln
Conclusion: Authentic
Specifications: Diameter 11.4 cm Height: 7.0 cm
Appraisal: This bowl is an artifact from Longquan kiln. It is very delicate and exquisite, and served a practical purpose. The exquisite celadon shows slightly grey tone, the glaze is shiny and bright—it is an object from the Ming dynasty. Thus reflects how simple and elegant the ancient Chines table wares were, and even more perfect than our daily eating utensils today. 高温烧成,不含丝毫对人体有害的东西。 They were fired at high-temperature. In addition, the natural materials do not contain any elements that are harmful to the human body. Not only Longquan kiln produced this kind of beautiful celadon, the Huizhou kiln of Guangdong province also produced them which are as beautiful as those made from Longquan kiln. This is highly worthy of collection.