De 24. 宋 黑釉梅瓶 Song (960-1279) Black Glazed Plum Vase

24. 宋 黑釉梅瓶 Song (960-1279) Black Glazed Plum Vase




名称:                        黑釉梅瓶
年代:                         宋
窑口:                       (产地)磁州窑
结论:                         真品
规格:                         口径4.6 厘米,高:24.8 厘米           
鉴评:此梅瓶为宋代磁州窑产品,大青土胎,作的比较精细,黑釉像一面镜子。线条结构十分优美,诗人曾写诗歌颂:“欲把梅瓶比西子,横竖刚柔总相宜。” 艺术性强,有收藏价值。
Name:                           Black Glazed Plum Vase
Era:                                Song Dynasty  (960-1279)
Kilns: (origin):              Cizhou Kiln
Conclusion:                  Authentic
Specifications:             Diameter 4.6 cm   Height: 24.8 cm
Appraisal:This vase is from Cizhou kiln in the Song dynasty, the body is made from high quality Daqing clay. The black glaze is reflective like a mirror, with beautiful linear form. A famous poet had written a poetry praising, “It’s my desire to compare this beautiful vase to the beautiful Xi Shi (one of the four beauties in ancient China), beautiful viewed from any angle.” Strong artistic quality. Very worthy of collection.

Authention 019