名称: 青瓷印花水盂(一对)
年代: 晋代
窑口: (产地)浙江省上虞窑
结论: 真品
规格: 1. 口径3.8厘米, 高:3.2厘米 2. 口径4.2厘米, 高:3.8厘米
鉴评: 此一类一对水盂为文房四宝中的水盂。青釉、造型、胎体时代特征明显。晋代是中国书法艺术发达时期,出现很多大书法家,在他们的带动下,书法在全国普及,为适应这种社会需要,青瓷生产出许(多)艺术性强的水盂。此一对水盂就(是)晋代水盂的代表,也是研究晋代文化现象的宝贵资料。
Name: A Pair of Celadon Brush Washers with Printed Flower
Era: Jin Dynasty (265-420)
Kilns: (origin): Shangyu Kiln, Zhejiang Province
Conclusion: Authentic
Specifications: 1.) D 3.8 cm H 3.2 cm 2.) D 4.2 cm H 3.8 cm
Appraisal: This type of brush washers belongs to the four treasures of the Chinese writing table. The celadon glaze, shape and form, and clay body texture are all in consistent with the characteristics of the time. During the Jin Dynasty, Chinese calligraphy art had fully developed, so there were a lot of great calligraphers. Under their leads, calligraphy became very popular throughout the entire country. To meet these social demands, many celadon brush washes, full of strong artistic value, were produced. This pair of brush washers is representative of the brush washers from the Jin Dynasty. It contains precious information for the study of the cultural phenomenon of the Jin Dynasty. Highly collectible.