De 43. 元 白釉黑花小足碗一对 Yuan (1271-1368) A Pair of White Glaze Black Flower Goblets

43. 元 白釉黑花小足碗一对 Yuan (1271-1368) A Pair of White Glaze Black Flower Goblets





名称:                       白釉黑花小足碗(一对)
年代:                       元代
窑口:                     (产地)磁州窑
结论:                       真品
规格:                       1.) 口径9.8厘米,高:7.0厘米 2.) 口径9.9厘米,高:7.4厘米
鉴评: 此一对高足碗为元代磁州窑产品。大青土胎,施化妆土作胎。 施化妆土、 白釉泛灰泛黄、 黑彩泛黄都是元代磁州窑独特的时代特征,有收藏价值。
Name:                        A Pair of White Glaze Black Flower Goblets
Era:                             Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368)
Kilns: (origin):           Cizhou Kiln
Conclusion:               Authentic
Specifications:          1.) D 9.8 cm   H 7.0 cm 2.)  D 9.9 cm   H 7.4 cm
Appraisal: This pair of goblets was made in the Cizhou Kiln of the Yuan Dynasty. It uses the Daqing soil clay applied with a layer of white slip on the surface. The application of white slip, white glaze suffused with gray and yellow, and the black color suffused with yellow are all unique characteristics of Cizhou ware from the Yuan Dynasty. Highly collectible. 

Authention 040