名称: 黑釉白胎鼓钉罐
年代: 宋
窑口: (产地)吉州窑
结论: 真品
规格: 口径9.5厘米,高:10.0 厘米
Name: Black Glazed White Clay Drum-Nail Vessel
Era: Song Dynasty (960-1279)
Kilns: (origin): Northern China Kiln
Conclusion: Authentic
Specifications: Diameter 9.5 cm Height: 10.0 cm
Appraisal: The shape of this vessel is thick, heavy, and sturdy. It is different from the common kitchen ware from Jizhou kilns, which generally are thinner. But the texture of the white body clay appears slight grayish. The bottom of this vessel was made using cutting techniques the same as the objects made from Jizhou Kilns. In the archaeological survey, we found some objects made from later Jizhou kiln that used drum nail technique to decorate the objects, the clay body gradually become coarse, so it still meets the characteristics of Jizhou Kiln . Its black glaze is less thick than those made from Cizhou kilns and Jian Kilns, but its gloss and smooth surface meets the characteristics of Jizhou kiln. Highly worthy of collection.